
The possibilities of collaborations in energy research, education and product development are discussed with Tallinns University of Technology, TTÜ. From left: Johan Wasberg and Triinu Varblane from Merinova, Anu-Mai Levo, Merilyn Pill, Allan Lahi and professor Toomas Lang from TTÜ.


Opportunities for Cooperation with Tallinn University of Technology (TTÜ) are Explored

Project members from Cleantech Kvarken met with representatives from Tallinn University of Technology to dicuss collaboration.

“Tallinn University of Technology has very interesting competence, equipment and education” says Johan Wasberg form Merinova/Cleantech Kvarken who visited the universities in late November 2017. Possibilities to collaborate in energy research, education and product development were discussed during the visit. Triinu Varblane presented Cleantech Kvarken’s company catalogue and interesting companies. Next step will be visits arranged by Cleantech Kvarken to Tallinn University of Technoloy for companies, reserachers and other interested parties.